News overview


New chapter: Family Power - Mutual Learning 

January 24, 2024

The time has come, a new phase has begun. Family Power has officially transitioned into Family Power – Mutual Learning. In January 2024, the six organizations forming the new board signed the collaboration agreement. The team aims to bring together many care providers and stakeholders to inspire and mutually transform towards high-quality family and community-based care. This is crucial because every child deserves the strength of a family! We expect to provide more than 100 caregivers annually with the inspiring sessions of Mutual Learning 

Reflecting on progression

July 20, 2023

Last week, the international team of Family Power came together digitally to reflect on the 2.5 years of international cooperation. One of the participants shared: “For me, Family Power is about the creation of endless possibilities: rich conversations with beautiful people from all over the world”.

If Family Power has shown anything, it is that family-based care is possible in many situations. The Family Power team has worked together intensively for 2.5 years and is proud of the results. As images speak louder than words, please take a look at the key message of Family Power and the work of the participating organizations in the following 1-minute video:

Family-based care is possible!

December 9, 2022

December, the month of reflection and warmth. Unfortunately, a warm and loving situation is not the reality for everyone. And that is exactly what the power of having a family can bring. In this newsletter we share news about the videos and awareness campaigns by the Family Power participants and the progress within the Mutual Learning Program. We also reveal a bit about the continuation of Family Power next year.

Change is possible!

September 21, 2022

As part of her practical research, Family Power coordinator Anne Vijverberg visited local partner COLT in Cambodia and DLFF in Sri Lanka. Touched by the work of these organizations, she shares some impressions of her visit. Her most prominent observation was that change actually proves to be possible! 

Launch Mutual Learning Program!

June 27, 2022

The Mutual Learning Program is live! In co-creation with Wilde Ganzen, Transform Africa Alliance, Kanankil and Hope and Homes for Children, Family Power has developed a unique learning program. Are you or do you know an organization that provides family-strengthening and/or alternative care for vulnerable children and is interested in mutual transformation to high-quality family and community care? You are most welcome to participate in the pilot program starting September 2022!

Working sector-wise to professionalize international youth and child care

May 31, 2022

On 24 May, Family Power and its Dutch network partners Wilde Ganzen, Better Care Netwerk Nederland (BCNN), Dutch Coalition on Disability and Development (DCDD), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Partin, Radboud University and SOS Children's Villages met at the Ministry in The Hague. There is a great need for professionalization of youth and child care worldwide in which the child is central.  

Changemakers enable family-based care!

November 19, 2021

Coordinator Anne visited three of the nine international partners in October and November. Acodeta (Tanzania), KidsCare (Kenya) and Macheo (Kenya) work on the African continent. Anne encountered great drive and expertise of the team members during the visit. Through their work they show that family-based care is indeed possible!

The story of Susantha

October 15, 2021

Susantha was born with autism and lives with his mother in the green scenery of Sri Lanka. There is a big taboo on having a disability. His mother did not know how to take care of the boy. 

Working together to care for children in families!

October 12, 2021

Worldwide, over six million children live in institutions such as orphanages. And that while 300 convincing studies point out the negative effects of growing up outside a family context. In addition, these children are often not orphans at all. Research also shows that Private Initiatives (PIs) and their local partners – with the best intentions – play an important role in the current existence of orphanages and other institutions for children. Together with our network partners we believe change is possible! 

(Dutch) Family Power vol energie van start gegaan

May 13, 2021

Na bijna een jaar vol voorbereiding is Family Power in februari 2021 officieus van start gegaan. Maar liefst negen particuliere initiatieven en hun lokale partners waren het eens over een omvangrijk projectplan. Diverse adviseurs bestaande uit deskundigen en netwerkpartners worden actief betrokken bij het project. Samen, ieder vanuit eigen kracht en belangstelling, kunnen we de stevige ambitie van Family Power realiseren. Maar liefst zes werkgroepen draaien op volle toeren en we kunnen concluderen dat Family Power met een flinke dosis capaciteit en enthousiasme van start is gegaan. 

Every child needs a family.

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