Together a strong Movement


Only when we get moving together we will achieve our goal: let every child grow up in a safe, caring and permanent family.

Unfortunately, the reality is that the number of children without  proper family care is enormous. And it is even growing due to factors such as HIV, climate change, the supply of residential institutions such as orphanages and COVID. Many individuals and organizations want to work for these children, but do not know HOW to offer a successful family solution. There is a lack of accessible practical examples, training and cooperation in this sector. Family Power, together with its partners, aim to change this! 


2021: the power of 'together' 

In 2021, Family Power has built a strong foundation. It was a year in which we...

  • Have formed a strong team of two times nine organizations, spread all over the world;
  • Together, based on practical experience, have worked on the question of HOW family-based care is achievable;
  • Have organized seven international team meetings  in which we:
    • Opened with 'good morning, good afternoon and good evening';
    • Were inspired by seven international presentations;
    • Have grown together during four interactive training sessions.
  • Collected information through two questionnaires and interview rounds;
  • Completed four case visits to organizations in Ecuador, Kenya and Tanzania;
  • Have developed a framework for the external T&IC program;
  • Have developed a framework for awareness activities;
  • Have found a strong connection with Dutch and international network organizations;
  • Have started a strong Movement together!

Innovative collaboration is not always easy. We are proud of the steps that have been taken and would like to thank everyone for that!  As far as we are concerned, this exposes our power of 'togetherness'.


A strong Movement 

In the meantime, a Movement has been formed of organizations that want to work together. In intensive co-creation with its network partners, Family Power is currently developing two programs: a Training & Inter-Consultancy (T&IC) program for external organizations and an awareness program. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has invited Family Power and the other Dutch network partners to the next meeting at the office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 2022 promises to be a fruitful year for the Movement!


Every child needs a family.

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Mach3Builders & SIER Activiteiten 
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