Family Power in full swing!


Despite the holiday period, we are pleased to report significant progress. In this this newsletter we also share about the curiosity of our partners and we travel to Ecuador.

Case research and network meeting   
Collaborating is multiplying  

A lot of work has been done on the case studies. In order to clearly visualize the experience of the 9 participating partners, information has been collected in various ways. The organizations completed questionnaires, interviews were conducted, organizational documents were viewed and the Family Power team meetings also served as input. We're well on track.

The steering committee is also particularly pleased with the positive response to its call to the Dutch network. Late September, a meeting is planned with Wilde Ganzen, Partin, Better Care Netwerk Nederland, DCDD, Radboud University and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Together we will discuss how to effectively give a strong impulse to the much-needed de-institutionalization of more than 6 million children in our world. Together with the international network, we want to be a strong Movement to bring about that change!

Second team meeting and training program 

Guided by curiosity

The second meeting with the international partners took place in July. On the agenda was the first organizational presentation. Raymond Chamungu of Acodeta talked about his experiences in Tanzania. Acodeta is currently building a community center and, among other things, carries out their Family Based Child Care program for 25 families in poverty and neglected situations. After the presentation there was room for dialogue. Questions were eagerly asked and thoughts exchanged. We can conclude that the presentation aroused a lot of curiosity.

We build on that curiosity with the internal training program. The set-up is in place and we will start in September! The international and Dutch partners will meet monthly to discuss a specific topic. Prevention, community involvement and gatekeeping are discussed, among other things. Each international partner is responsible for the organization of a training. The necessary reading material is shared in advance so that the session itself can largely revolve around interaction and dialogue. We are very much looking forward to it.

Why deinstitutionalization is so necessary

Worldwide, over 6 million children live in institutions such as orphanages and that while:

  • There are 300 convincing global studies that point to the negative effects of growing up outside of family
  • 80% of those children still have at least one living parent
  • And perhaps most importantly, family-centred care is possible anywhere in the world!

In this short YouTube video from LUMOS, the need for family-based care is very clearly shown: 

Case visit Ecuador 

The work of DCF is wonderful and unfortunately very necessary

An important part of the research are the visits to the cases. Covid-19 makes this a challenge but in July a visit to Daniëlle Children's Fund (DCF) in Ecuador was possible.

Project coordinator Anne Vijverberg was able to watch the DCF kitchen for a week. "I was welcomed with open arms," says Anne. "The conversations with employees have contributed enormously to the data collection. In addition, we have been able to visit a large part of the activities, such as the shelter where families and young people can be cared for during the investigation process and economic trainings for skills such as cook and hairdresser. And we attended a meeting for adolescents from the programs of DCF about what goes on behind our masks.”

Anne also visited two families from the Family Support program. Both families have fled Venezuela. You don't just cover 2000 kilometers on foot. These people had NOTHING when they arrived in Quito, the capital of Ecuador. The help that DCF offers is wonderful and unfortunately very necessary. DCF does not see itself as the professional but as a helping hand. The ideas of the family members are central to their approach. A philosophy to think about further!

Call to family businesses

The importance of 'family values'

Family businesses need little convincing of the importance of 'family values' for the success of their company and that those same values are indispensable for the development of children. Because we share that fundamental conviction, Family Power will focus its fundraising mainly on family businesses and -funds.

An amount of €225,000 is needed for the implementation of the Family Power plans. A considerable amount, but in the Netherlands there are already over 300,000 large and smaller family businesses. With such numbers, it should surely be possible to raise the amount. Are you or do you know a family business/ -fund, or do you want to learn more about our fundraising, we will be happy to talk to you.  You can contact project coordinator Anne Vijverberg via the e-mail address 

Participants in the picture

Dutch Lanka Friendship Foundation (DLFF, Sri Lanka)
Dutch partner: Friendship Foundation

“Diversity is our jewelry and strength!”

We are an NGO based in Ampara district of Sri Lanka and has been in operation since 2007. Our aim is to enable children and youth with disabilities to live with dignity in the family and to work in such a way that the family and society are mutually empowering each other with understanding  and action. With our team consisting of 14 local employees, our main focus lies on:

  • Educational, economic and social empowerment of children and youth with disabilities and their families.
  • Helping to transform the society into an inclusive friendly society.

Educational care: Children with a serious disability are lovingly cared for by us. We also offer special education to children with a mild disability and practical education to young people with a disability. Self-reliance is the priority.
Employment: In Sri Lanka, minimal social facilities are offered to people with disabilities. We offer the support to independence.
Society: We provide training and information to parents and the local community to integrate people with disabilities into society.

Paguyuban Wong Mujur (PWM, Indonesia)
Dutch partner: Yayasan Setetes Embun

“Together we are strong and everyone is responsible for everything in their life!”

We started in 2017 in our kampung in Kroya (Java, Indonesia), without any resources. We started the foundation to help the poorest women and their children out of the circle of poverty. The first step we made was the provision of education for children in front of the home of mr. Gunawan. Since then we have realized various projects, without or with a minimal budget. We are able to do so because of our 12 (voluntary) members and at least 120 volunteers in the kampung community.

Together we try to find solutions to make the women independent. This enables them to keep their family together instead of placing children out of home. We don’t believe in giving money, but offering opportunities. This philosophy proved its success and our projects are growing in size. Our projects focus on improvement of:

  • Economy (i.a. technical courses, plantation, microcredit system)
  • Social (i.a. swimming pool, meeting place with stores)
  • Education (i.a. library, school)
  • Health (i.a. clinic and ambulance, awareness creation)
  • Culture (i.a. traditional dancing)

Every child needs a family.

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